Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week Five

In reflecting upon my GAME plan I am so far finding it to be effective. After making a few minor adjustments my plan seems to be solid and helping me to become more productive as a teacher as well as enabling my students to become more technologically literate. So far I have been able to connect with other staff members to discuss technology needs and how to best meet them. By having other staff members' support it makes the integrating of technology much more attainable. By sharing technology projects with other teachers it helps to not only learn new way to use technology, but also is an important collaboration strategy to share the work.

So far I have been learning about new ways to integrate technology into my everyday lessons and have been able to learn about new resources that I have not been previously aware of. I have been more curious about blogs and how I can use them in the classroom. I have also been interested digital storytelling and how I could use it in my classroom. I have been looking into websites that allow digital storytelling and am trying to develop lessons that would incorporate it into my content areas.

One of the biggest pitfalls that I have encountered is that most of the websites and types of technology that we have been learning about is banned in my building and school district. Blogs, wikis, and many websites for publishing (podcasts, etc.) are not accessible on our school computers. The main question that I have now is how can I create projects involving technology without using traditional sites that I am familiar with? Administration is not in favor of social networking sites like blogs and wikis because of the privacy issues involved for students. It is one of the biggest drawbacks that I have encountered so far.

I will have to adjust my plan by finding alternate ways of using technology in the classroom that does not include banned sites and programs. I have found that allowing the students to create digital stories using the SMART Board software is one way to get around the ban on many websites. Students will still be able to create a project, but complete it in the confines of a program rather than on the Internet. The students will still be able to share their projects via the SMART Board and instead of parents accessing a website I can email them the file with their child's work so that they can view it at home.


  1. It is good to know that the staff at your school is open to change and will support you in your endeavors. I face an uphill battle. Some will not even do group projects with chart paper let alone use the computers. Great progress for you. Stay motivated.

  2. Megan,
    It is great that your staff supports your technology projects. Presently I feel I walk a fine line. The computer lab teacher and I recognize the need to promote technology usage for our staff members. Either many of them are in the dark, or they have given up because we are lacking the necessities to move forward. I agree with you about all the banned/blocked sites from districts. Part of the reason is the cost of broadband services as well as that word, entertainment. You are very lucky to have that SMART Board.
