Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monitoring the GAME Plan

Creating and developing a GAME plan to systematically achieve goals is a great way for teachers to assess and monitor their own teaching and learning of themselves and their students. When teachers have a plan in place it focuses the attention on the end result and provides teachers the steps for getting there.

The goals that I have are to create digital age learning experiences and assessments as well as to promote and model digital-age work and learning. Both of these goals will require collaborating with peers as well as having discussions with grade level teams, administration and parents. The more people that are involved in technology conversations the better. When parents are able to be supportive it will enhance their own child's learning as well as provide support for the classroom teacher. Administrators are also key in reaching my goal. When administrators are able to offer and provide feedback about technology it allows teachers and administration to be on the same page. Administration may also be able to offer staff development to aid in the acquisition of technology skills through workshops and peer training.

Another important resource that will be needed is text about types of technology projects that worked well within other classrooms. Teachers are able to connect on educator forum websites which allows teachers to discuss important topics and discuss what has worked and not worked in their own classroom. Teachers are able to share lessons and unit plans as well as webquests on the Internet so it becomes an invaluable resource to meeting success with my GAME plan.

Additional information that I need may include how to create different types of technology infused projects as well as receving additional information on the types of tools that are being used in classrooms across the country. Knowing this type of information opens the door to using and integrating new types of technology into the classroom both for myself and my students.

So far I have been able to discuss my technology needs with a few of my colleagues as well as my principal. My next goal is to write down specific ways in which I would like to use technology and create projects to show to my administration. The hope in doing this is to make them aware of how technology is being utilized as well as gaining support for these types of projects. When staff and administration work together more can be accomplished to help our students.

1 comment:

  1. I think you bring up a great point about needing text regarding various types of technology related projects for your classroom. One "teacher" blog I like to visit is teacherlingo.com. There are always new ideas being shared and as you mentioned, it's nice to hear from others what worked well and what didn't work so well. You cn also take the information you learned and share it with your co-workers. You're absolutely correct in that more can be accomplished if staff and administration work together!
