Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Educational Goal Setting

Goal setting is an integral part of teaching and learning. When we set goals we are embracing new knowledge as well as enhancing the teaching skills and strategies that we already possess. Students and teachers alike benefit from new teaching strategies and repertoire. Especially important is setting goals which will motivate and enhance our teaching to inspire our students to create, explore and think critically. With the development of the National Educational Standards (NETS) teachers are able to clearly understand and challenge themselves to incorporate technology into their classrooms.

One area in which I would like to grow is modeling digital-age work and learning. When teachers model technology usage, the students in turn will see its importance and true capabilities in the classroom. Students learn by example and the example set forth by the classroom teacher is essential for students to develop appropriate skills using technology. Another goal which I would like to work towards is designing and developing digital-age learning experiences and assessments. Once the students and I become more comfortable using technology I would like to start incorporating it more into my assessments as well as using it as a self-directed learning tool. When students are encouraged to use technology they are able to choose from a variety of projects and assessments which will give a true snapshot of what the students have learned as well as the learning process along the way. This type of learning prepares the way for students to think critically and to make connections across content areas.

In order to achieve these goals I believe that networking with colleagues is essential. When students are able to see me network with other teachers it encourages them to do the same with their own peers. I would also like to share technology infused projects with other teachers so that we could benefit from multiple teachers giving input and creating digital-age learning experiences. Communicating is key and I feel that communication with colleagues is the first step to reaching my instructional goals. Another step that would be beneficial is to sign up for any professional development conferences or seminars which will allow me to meet and network with other teachers in the area that are experiencing similar issues as I am facing. When teachers work together and collaborate, both the students and teachers benefit.

Monitoring progress is essential when setting goals. One way that I would like to monitor my progress is to make a list of new technologies that I would like to become more proficient in and have the students use. I could then learn about each new type of technology/software and incorporate it into my classroom a little at a time. This will make achieving my goals much more realistic than trying to incorporate a lot of technology all at once and becoming overwhelmed. When lists are created, teachers and students are able to see their progress which will lead to the success of the over-arching goal. By introducing a new technology every week or every other week the students can see the growth that I am making as well as learning the new technology themselves.

Once goals are attained it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions and monitoring that went into the goal setting. One way in which I would like to evaluate my success is by having the students complete a survey at the end of the year or at the end of the semester in which they are able to write down what new technologies they have learned and which ones they enjoyed using the most. This will allow me evaluate how effective I was at communicating the new technologies as well as finding out which ones were most effective and motivating in the classroom. Discussion with colleagues is another way to evaluate the learning that has taken place. When teachers are able to share what they have learned with one another it holds them accountable to one another as well as provides a forum in which teachers can candidly share their successes of what worked in their classrooms and what did not.


  1. Do your fellow teachers use much technology? Is the use of technology in your building competative?

  2. Creating goals that are obtainable are important, ,which teachers all know. Thank you for elaborating on the importance of taking "baby steps" to insure success. I personally had to learn this lesson the hard way. At first, when a great idea was presented I would attempt to implement the concept. Research on the effectiveness was not included. It is so important to investigate how a new idea or concept works in the classroom. GAME plan sounds like a great idea, and most teachers hopefully already use this as a guide to teaching, but is it effective with students?
    We know through research the technology is beneficial in many ways, in fact, it is the wave of "today and tomorrow"
    I am curious what type of software you use in your classroom.
    What technology do you currently use that you feel is an effective teaching tool?
