Wednesday, January 27, 2010

GAME Plan Progress

Modifying and refining my GAME plan is an important step to meet with success in the classroom. Technology usage within the content areas is essential for our students and having a plan to implement these types of activities and projects into the classroom requires careful planning and research.

One of the most important things that I will need in order for my GAME plan to be successful is data to prove that the effects of technology are positive on my students. When parents and administrators question the usage of technology in the classroom it is important to be able to show examples of technology and how it has helped other students around the country. Thankfully this research is becoming more and more readily available as districts are encouraging more technology usage in the classroom. Other resources that I have been able to find include templates of projects that other teachers have created that can then be tailored to fit the needs of my students. When using a new type of technology it is helpful to have a model to refer to and fortunately this is one more resource that I have been fortunate enough to find.

My action plan is still appropriate and any changes that need to be made are minor. I am still interested in learning about new types of technology and trying to implement a new type into the classroom periodically. My initial plan stated that I wanted to try implementing a new technology or program each week, but have found that this is not enough time for me or my students to adequately learn new programs. Instead I will try to slow it down and maybe try a new technology or program once or twice a month. This will enable both my students and I to truly learn and understand from the technology rather than become frustrated by it.

So far I have learned that planning and implementation take time and by carefully setting forth steps to take my goal can be achieved. I have learned about the importance of networking with other teachers, both in my district and among my classmates. When teachers share ideas and work together more can be achieved and the goals that are set seem less daunting.

I do not have too many questions about my GAME plan at this point. Further research is needed to continue searching and learning about what type of technology works best for my students and my grade level. It will take a lot of trial and error to find just the right technology strategies to use with my students, but it is a goal that is worth working towards.


  1. I think the most difficult part about integrating technology in the classroom is getting everyone on board-especially administration. They are the support we need most to back the use of technology and to get the appropriate tools to use in the classroom. The most essential resources are the ones that can meet the needs of each type of learner-that is our main goal as educators. I think once parents and administration realize that, they will understand and be will to support the use of technology. Sounds like you are doing well!

  2. I really like that you mentioned the importance of working with other teachers. Change is more likely to occur when there is a group of teachers opposed to one teacher trying to make a difference. I was curious if you are running into problems with parents questioning the importance of technology? On my campus where technology is not priority, I have not had any calls or emails from parents complaining about using technology. Our "#1 high school" is tech based, so this might show the parents the importance of technology. You had mentioned that you need to be "armed" with the facts for parents and teachers about technology. I have learned after many years of teaching to do a lot of research before just adding something new to my teaching. Fades come and fades go, but technology is not a fade.The trick is to find tools that work.
