Friday, July 24, 2009

Voice Thread

One of the biggest problems that I observe in my classroom/school is a lack of funding for technology. Please check out the link to my Voice Thread to find out more (the link is the title of this post).


  1. Great Job with the voice thread! I really got a sense of different ways that we could use this from your recording.

    I think that the funding in many schools is the same as yours. We have access to a lot of technology however we do not have the funds for someone to help us figure it out. Our Media Specialist does a great job with the time she has however I think she is overwhelmed.

    I was thinking that a voice thread would be a great how-to document to help teachers with different forms of technology. I would just have to learn more about how to doodle on the screen and record what I would be doing on the computer.

  2. Megan,

    I enjoyed looking at your voice thread. So many districts are in the same place with lack of technology. I know my is way behind. Great Job
